Welcome to TBC
We are a lively, informal church, where people can meet God, make friendships, and have their lives changed.
Our Sunday morning services take place at Church at 10.30am every Sunday.
Breakfast is available before the service from 9.30am - 10.20am
See details of upcoming events on our News and Events page.
Easter Services
Sunday 13th April 10:30am: Palm Sunday Service followed by a Bring and Share lunch
Thursday 17th April 7:00pm: Maundy Thursday meditation and communion
Sunday 20th April 10:30am: Easter Celebration - Family Service
Watch our Latest Service
Some of our Sunday morning services are recorded and available to watch later on YouTube (on Tewkesbury Baptist Church channel)
Church Leader Vacancy
At present the church is seeking God for a new Church Leader/Pastor. This is a fantastic opportunity to work with a dedicated team to help establish God's kingdom in our community here in Tewkesbury.
If you believe God is calling you to this amazing church for this position please contact us.
Keep in Touch!
If you would like to receive the newsletter and be informed of events occurring in the Church - please take a few minutes to fill out the personal information consent form on our Keep In Touch page.
Weekly Newsletters
23rd March 2025 16th March 2025 9th March 2025
Listen Again / Podcasts
Before services were video recorded we used to do audio recordings. You can download the talks here:
8th March 2020: "Mark Episode 2 - Jesus calms the storm"
Jesus showed His absolute power and authority when He calmed the storm. But do we really believe that His power can change the world?
(John Goodchild)
1st March 2020: "Mark Episode 1 - The Sower"
In the introduction to our series on the Gospel of Mark, we look at the parable of the Sower, and see how it applies to our own hearts.
(Shane Roche)
23rd February 2020: "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"
Our image of ourselves depends on what mirrors we use. If the mirrors we use are distorted, we won't see the image that God wants us to see.
(Matt Green)
16th February 2020: "First Love"
What does a healthy, God-centred marriage look like? We look at what the Bible has to tell us.
(Shane Roche)
These and all previous messages are also available to download or listen to on-line on our Podcasts page.
Community Build Fundraising
Did you know you can generate free funds for Community Build whenever you shop online at over 4,400 leading retailers via Give as you Live online?
It's totally free to use and with top offers from retailers like John Lewis and eBay, you could save money and get that feel-good factor by helping our Church Community Build project for free.
Join for free today: https://www.giveasyoulive.com to support Tewkesbury Baptist Church.
Churches Together in Tewkesbury
Christian Vocations are focused on resourcing and challenging Christians to discover and practise their God-given vocation in life and service.
Visit their web site to see some of the opportunities available to you.